File Name | Sub_ReadTabs.txt |
Author | Vochomurka |
Plugin Called | ini |
Version | 1.2 |
Updated on | 24.06.2008 |
args Single
static Icons = "path_to_icons\TT.icl"
local Keys, Temp, i, Values, Tube, FT, BT
local Section = Single ++ "tabs"
local Path = ini.get(Config, Single, "path")
local Number = TT.Length
local Panel = ifelse(Single == "left", 1, 2)
if(ini.check_exists(TW, "FontColor", "Target") == 3)
FT = ini.get(TW, "FontColor", "Target")
if(ini.check_exists(TW, "BackColor", "Target") == 3)
BT = ini.get(TW, "BackColor", "Target")
if(ini.check_exists(Config, Section) != 2) do
TT.AddLeft(Number, 0)
TT.AddMiddle(Number, Panel)
TT.SetIconVisible(Number, 0)
TT.SetLeftOnTop(Number, 1)
TT.SetTextColor(Number, FT)
TT.SetBackColor(Number, BT)
TT.SetId(Number, Path)
Keys = ini.enum_keys(Config, Section)
Number = line(Keys, 0)
if(Number < 4 && ini.check_exists(Config, Section, "activelocked") == 3) do
Number = TT.Length()
TT.AddLeft(Number, 0)
TT.AddMiddle(Number, Panel)
TT.SetIcon(Number, Icons, ini.get(Config, Section, "activelocked"))
if(ini.check_exists(Config, Section, "activecaption") == 3)
TT.SetToolTip(Number, ini.get(Config, Section, "activecaption"))
TT.SetLeftOnTop(Number, 1)
TT.SetTextColor(Number, FT)
TT.SetBackColor(Number, BT)
TT.SetId(Number, Path)
for(i = 1; i < Number; i++)
Temp = i ++ "_path"
if(ini.check_exists(Config, Section, Temp) != 3) do
Values = i + 1
Number = ini.get(Config, Section, "activetab")
flag clear 1
local Start = TT.Length
local End = Values + Start
for(i = Start; i < End; i++)
TT.AddLeft(i, i - Start)
TT.AddMiddle(i, Panel)
if(i - Start == Number) do ;;active tab is reached
TT.SetId(i, Path)
flag set 1
Temp = 0
if(ini.check_exists(Config, Section, "activelocked") == 3)
Temp = ini.get(Config, Section, "activelocked")
TT.SetIcon(i, Icons, Temp)
TT.SetLeftOnTop(i, 1)
TT.SetTextColor(i, FT)
TT.SetBackColor(i, BT)
if(ini.check_exists(Config, Section, "activecaption") == 3)
TT.SetTooltip(i, ini.get(Config, Section, "activecaption"), Number)
Key = i - pproflag(1) - Start
Temp = Key ++ "_path"
Temp = ini.get(Config, Section, Temp)
TT.SetId(i, Temp)
Temp = Key ++ "_options"
Temp = ini.get(Config, Section, Temp)
Tube = word(Temp, 6, "|")
TT.SetIcon(i, Icons, Tube)
Temp = Key ++ "_caption"
if(ini.check_exists(Config, Section, Temp) == 3)
TT.SetTooltip(i, ini.get(Config, Section, Temp), i - Start)
File Name | Sub_DebugCL.txt |
Author | Vochomurka |
Plugin Called | - |
Version | 1.2 |
Updated on | 06.04.2006 |
local List = arg(1) local CR = esc(?+\n+, ?+\+) local Check, Temp, Cap, Mess if(cl.Exists(List) != 1) do messagebox("ok", "Command List '" ++ List ++ "' does not exist", "CL error") quit all endif local Number = cl.Length(List) Cap = "Command List '" ++ List ++ "' has " ++ Number ++ " entries" Mess = "Command List info:" ++ CR Temp = cl.GetBackColor(List) if(Temp != "") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Background color: " ++ Temp Temp = cl.GetBackground(List) if(Temp != "") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Background file: " ++ Temp Temp = cl.GetTextColor(List) if(Temp != "") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Text color: " ++ Temp Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Hide interval: " ++ cl.GetHideAfter(List) Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Maximum text length: " ++ cl.GetMaxtext(List) Temp = cl.GetLastBar() if(Temp != "") do Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Name of bar with last button pressed: '" ++ Temp ++ "'" Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Last pressed button on bar '" ++ Temp ++ "': " Mess = Mess ++ cl.GetLastPressed(Temp) ++ CR ++ "Last mouse button on bar '" Mess = Mess ++ Temp ++ "': " ++ cl.GetLastMouse (Temp) endif if(messagebox("okcancel information", Mess, Cap) == 0) quit all Mess = "" for(i = 0; i < Number; i = i + 1) for(j = 1; 1; j = j + 1) Check = Mess Cap = "Entry #" ++ i ++ " of " ++ Number - 1 Temp = cl.GetLeftCmd(List, i, j) if(Temp != "") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Left Command #" ++ j ++ ": '" ++ Temp ++ "'" Temp = cl.GetRightCmd(List, i, j) if(Temp != "") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Right Command #" ++ j ++ ": '" ++ Temp ++ "'" Temp = cl.GetMiddleCmd(List, i, j) if(Temp != "") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Middle Command #" ++ j ++ ": '" ++ Temp ++ "'" Temp = cl.GetLeftParam(List, i, j) if(Temp != "") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Left Parameter #" ++ j ++ ": '" ++ Temp ++ "'" Temp = cl.GetRightParam(List, i, j) if(Temp != "") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Right Parameter #" ++ j ++ ": '" ++ Temp ++ "'" Temp = cl.GetMiddleParam(List, i, j) if(Temp != "") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Middle Parameter #" ++ j ++ ": '" ++ Temp ++ "'" Temp = cl.GetLeftWork(List, i, j) if(Temp != "") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Left work dir #" ++ j ++ ": '" ++ Temp ++ "'" Temp = cl.GetRightWork(List, i, j) if(Temp != "") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Right work dir #" ++ j ++ ": '" ++ Temp ++ "'" Temp = cl.GetMiddleWork(List, i, j) if(Temp != "") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Middle work dir #" ++ j ++ ": '" ++ Temp ++ "'" Temp = cl.GetLeftHow(List, i, j) if(Temp != "normal") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Left how start #" ++ j ++ ": '" ++ Temp ++ "'" Temp = cl.GetRightHow(List, i, j) if(Temp != "normal") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Right how start #" ++ j ++ ": '" ++ Temp ++ "'" Temp = cl.GetMiddleHow(List, i, j) if(Temp != "normal") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Middle how start #" ++ j ++ ": '" ++ Temp ++ "'" if(Check == Mess) break endfor Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ CR ++ "Left ontop checkbox is " Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(cl.GetLeftOnTop(List, i), "ON", "OFF") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Right ontop checkbox is " Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(cl.GetRightOnTop(List, i), "ON", "OFF") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Middle ontop checkbox is " Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(cl.GetMiddleOnTop(List, i), "ON", "OFF") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Left switch to if active checkbox is " Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(cl.GetLeftSwitchTo(List, i), "ON", "OFF") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Right switch to if active checkbox is " Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(cl.GetRightSwitchTo(List, i), "ON", "OFF") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Middle switch to if active checkbox is " Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(cl.GetMiddleSwitchTo(List, i), "ON", "OFF") Temp = cl.GetId(List, i) Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(Temp, CR ++ "ID: '" ++ Temp ++ "'", "") Temp = cl.GetLabel(List, i) Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(Temp, CR ++ "Label: '" ++ Temp ++ "'", "") Temp = cl.GetLabelValue(List, i) Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(Temp, CR ++ "Label value: '" ++ Temp ++ "'", "") Temp = cl.GetTooltip(List, i) Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(Temp, CR ++ "Tooltip: '" ++ Temp ++ "'", "") Temp = cl.GetTooltipValue(List, i) Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(Temp, CR ++ "Tooltip value: '" ++ Temp ++ "'", "") Temp = cl.GetIconFile(List, i) if(Temp) do Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Icon file: '" ++ Temp ++ "'" Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Icon number: " ++ cl.GetIconNumber(List, i) endif Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Item is " Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(cl.IsVisible(List, i), "visible", "NOT visible") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Item is " Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(cl.IsEnabled(List, i), "enabled", "NOT enabled") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Icon is " Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(cl.IsIconVisible(List, i), "visible", "NOT visible") Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Item Width: " ++ cl.GetWidth(List, i) Mess = Mess ++ CR ++ "Item Height: " ++ cl.GetHeight(List, i) Temp = cl.GetBackColor(List, i) Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(Temp, CR ++ "Item Background: '" ++ Temp ++ "'", "") Temp = cl.GetTextColor(List, i) Mess = Mess ++ ifelse(Temp, CR ++ "Item Text Color: '" ++ Temp ++ "'", "") if(messagebox("okcancel information", Mess, Cap) == 0) quit all Mess = "" endfor
This script is intended to the command list debugging. It is called by command
File Name | Sub_ParsePath.txt |
Author | Vochomurka |
Plugin Called | file |
Version | 1.4 |
Updated on | 13.07.2009 |
args FullPath, Depth local Number, Char, i, Result local Slash = esc(?+\\+, ?+\+) local Name = file.nametype(FullPath) Number = index(FullPath, "/") if(not Number) do Number = index(FullPath, Slash) if(not Number) quit Char = Slash else Char = "/" endif local Path = file.folder(FullPath) Number = word(Path, 0, Slash) if(arg(0) == 1) quit(Number) if(Number < abs(Depth)) quit(FullPath) if(Depth > 0) do for(i = Number; i > Number - Depth; i--) Result = word(Path, i, Slash) ++ Char ++ Result endfor elseif(Depth == 0) do quit(Name) elseif(Depth < 0) do for(i = 1; i <= Number + Depth; i++) Result = Result ++ word(Path, i, Slash) ++ Char endfor endif quit(remove(Result, -1))
This script parses the file path and returns the specified path depth. First parameter is a path with either "/" delimiter (PowerPro syntax) or "\" (Total Commander syntax). Second parameter is a depth counting from the file name to the root. If the second parameter is negative, then the counting is reversed.
File name corresponds to the depth equal to zero. If the path ends with a delimiter, then the directory name is supposed to be given, otherwise - the file name.
If the second parameter is more than the actual depth, the script returns the first parameter. If the second parameter is zero, the file name is returned, if it is provided, and empty string otherwise.
Another function of the script is invoked by omittong the second parameter - in this case the actual path depth is returned.
For example, for the c:\One\Two\Three\Four\name.txt file the script returns the following values:
First parameter | Second parameter | Returned value |
"c:\One\Two\Three\Four\" | "3" | "Two\Three\Four" |
"c:\One\Two\Three\Four\name" | "2" | "Three\Four" |
"c:\One\Two\Three\Four\name.txt" | "5" | "c:\One\Two\Three\Four" |
"c:/One/Two/Three/Four/" | "4" | "One/Two/Three/Four" |
"c:/One/Two/Three/Four/name.txt" | "6" | "c:/One/Two/Three/Four/name.txt" |
"c:/One/Two/Three/Four/name.txt" | "-3" | "c:/One" |
"c:\One\Two\Three\Four\name.txt" | "-1" | "c:\One\Two\Three" |
"c:/One/Two/Three/Four/name.txt" | 5 |
File Name | Sub_TreeDownCmd.txt |
Author | Vochomurka |
Plugins Called | file, miscplugin |
Version | 1.0 |
Updated on | 24.06.2006 |
args Path, Name local Report = miscplugin.tempfilename() local Str = "/c dir " ++ Path ++ " /a:d /b > " ++ Report local ExitCode = file.runwait(0, "cmd", Str, "", "hide") if(not file.size(Report)) quit("") local Hand = file.open(Report, "r") local Temp = "z;" flag clear 2 if(Hand > 0 && not ExitCode) do for(not(file.eof(Hand))) Str = file.readstring(Hand) Str = file.nametype(file.getshortpath(Path ++ "\" ++ Str)) if(Str) do if(stricoll(Str, Name) == 1) do flag set 2 if(stricoll(Temp, Str) == 1 || Temp == "z;") Temp = Str endif endif endfor else messagebox("ok error", "File not opened", "FILE plugin error") quit all endif file.close(Hand) if(pproflag(2)) do quit(Path ++ "\" ++ Temp) else quit("") endif
File Name (*.txt) | Sub_TreeUpCmd.txt |
Author | Vochomurka |
Plugins Called | file, miscplugin |
Version | 1.0 |
Updated on | 24.06.2006 |
args Path, Name local Report = miscplugin.tempfilename() local Str = "/c dir " ++ Path ++ " /a:d /b > " ++ Report local ExitCode = file.runwait(0, "cmd", Str, "", "hide") if(file.size(Report) - 2 == length(Name)) quit("") local Temp local Hand = file.open(Report, "r") flag clear 2 if(Hand > 0 && not ExitCode) do for(not(file.eof(Hand))) Str = file.readstring(Hand) if(Str) do Str = file.nametype(file.getshortpath(Path ++ "\" ++ Str)) if(stricoll(Str, Name) == -1) do flag set 2 if(stricoll(Temp, Str) == -1) Temp = Str endif endif endfor else messagebox("ok error", "File not opened", "FILE plugin error") quit all endif file.close(Hand) if(pproflag(2)) do quit(Temp) else quit("") endif
File Name | Sub_LowestDirCmd.txt |
Author | Vochomurka |
Plugins Called | file, miscplugin |
Version | 1.0 |
Updated on | 24.06.2006 |
args Path local Report = miscplugin.tempfilename() local Str = "/c dir " ++ Path ++ " /a:d /b > " ++ Report local ExitCode = file.runwait(0, "cmd", Str, "", "hide") if(not file.size(Report)) quit("") flag clear 2 local Hand = file.open(Report, "r") local Temp if(Hand > 0 && not ExitCode) do for(not(file.eof(Hand))) Str = file.readstring(Hand) if(Str) do Str = file.nametype(file.getshortpath(Path ++ "\" ++ Str)) if(stricoll(Temp, Str) == -1) Temp = Str endif endfor else messagebox("ok error", "File not opened", "FILE plugin error") quit all endif file.close(Hand) quit(Path ++ "\" ++ Temp)
File Name | Sub_MoveFile.txt |
Author | Vochomurka |
Plugins Called | file |
Version | 1.0 |
Updated on | 27.01.2006 |
local Name = file.nametype(arg(1)) local New = arg(2) ++ Name file.move(arg(1), New)
File name | Sub_Descript_ion.txt |
Author | Vochomurka |
Plugins Called | ini, file, map |
Version | 1.0 |
Updated on | 27.08.2007 |
args Path, FileName, Comment, Action local Source = Path ++ "descript.ion" local CR = esc(?+\n+, ?+\+) local Quote = esc(?+\"+, ?+\+) local AsQuote = "|" local Config = pprofolder ++ "scripts\ini\Descript_ion.ini" local fh, Str, SomeFile, Temp, NotComms, Delim if(ini.check_exists(Config, "Options", "Delimiter") == 3) Delim = ini.get(Config, "Options", "Delimiter") if(index(FileName, " ")) FileName = AsQuote ++ FileName ++ AsQuote if(not file.validpath(Source)) do if(index("drg", Action)) quit("ERROR: no comment file") fh = file.open(Source, "w") if(fh <= 0) do messagebox("ok error", "File not opened", "FILE plugin error #12") quit all endif file.writeline(fh, replacechars(FileName, AsQuote, Quote) ++ " " ++ Comment) file.close(fh) quit else fh = file.open(Source, "r") if(fh <= 0) do messagebox("ok error", "File not opened", "FILE plugin error #11") quit endif endif local M = map.create(10, 1) flag set 1 for(not(file.eof(fh))) Str = file.readstring(fh) if(not Str) continue SomeName = word(Str, 1) if(file.validpath(Path ++ SomeName)) do Temp = select(Str, length(SomeName) - length(Str) + 1) else SomeName = word(Str, 1, Quote) if(not file.validpath(Path ++ SomeName)) do NotComms = NotComms ++ Str ++ CR continue else SomeName = AsQuote ++ SomeName ++ AsQuote Temp = select(Str, length(SomeName) - length(Str) + 1) endif endif if(SomeName == FileName) do if(Action == "g") do map.destroy(M) file.close(fh) quit(Temp) elseif(Action == "r") do M[FileName] = Comment flag clear 1 elseif(Action == "b") do M[FileName] = Comment ++ Delim ++ Temp flag clear 1 elseif(Action == "a") do M[FileName] = Temp ++ Delim ++ Comment flag clear 1 endif else M[SomeName] = Temp endif endfor if(index("s", Action)) M[FileName] = Comment if(index("bar", Action) && pproflag(1)) M[FileName] = Comment file.close(fh) file.delete(Source) fh = file.open(Source, "w") if(fh <= 0) do messagebox("ok error", "File not opened", "FILE plugin error #13") quit all endif if(NotComms) file.writeline(fh, NotComms ++ CR) map.restart(M) for(not(map.eof(M))) Str = map.getnext(M) if(not Str) continue file.writeline(fh, replacechars(Str, AsQuote, Quote) ++ " " ++ M[Str]) endfor file.close(fh) map.destroy(M)
Following arguments are passed to the script:
In two latter cases the script reads the Delimiter key from the Options section of the scripts\ini\Descript_ion.ini file. For example, if PowerPro is installed to d:\Utils\PowerPro, then the ini file path must be d:\Utils\PowerPro\scripts\ini\Descript_ion.ini.
If this key exists, its value is taken as a delimiter between old and new comments. Default is a period.
File Name | Sub_TMTC.txt |
Author | Vochomurka |
Plugins called | tc, win, childwin |
Version | 1.0 |
Updated on | 08.06.2009 |
args hwnd, Panel if(not Panel) do Panel = tc.active(hwnd) elseif(Panel == 1) Panel = "left" elseif(Panel == 2) Panel = "right" endif local List = win.childhandlelist(hwnd, "c=TMyPanel") local TMTC = win.childhandlelist(hwnd, "c=TMyTabControl") local Num = word(TMTC, 0) local TMP if(Num == 0) do quit(0) elseif(Num == 1) do local TPP = win.childhandlelist(hwnd, "c=TPathPanel") local LPath = win.gettext(word(TPP, 1)) local RPath = win.gettext(word(TPP, 2)) for each word Hand in List Num = childwin.handle(Hand, "TPathPanel") if(Num) do Num = win.gettext(Num) if(Num == LPath && Panel == "right") do TMP = Hand break endif if(Num == RPath && Panel == "left") do TMP = Hand break endif endif endfor if(not TMP) quit(0) for each word Hand in List Num = childwin.handle(Hand, "TMyComboBox") if(Num) do if(childwin.gettext(Num) && Hand != TMP) do TMP = Hand break endif endif endfor else for each word Hand in List Num = childwin.handle(Hand, "TMyTabControl") if(Num) do TMP = Hand if(Panel == "left") break endif endfor endif TMTC = childwin.handle(TMP, "TMyTabControl") if(not TMTC) quit(0) quit(TMTC)
Attention! This script does not work in Total Commander 7.5 pb1 and pb2!
File Name | Sub_Progress.txt |
Author | Vochomurka |
Plugins called | - |
Version | 1.0 |
Updated on | 23.06.2017 |
args Val, Start, End, Width, AutoClose, Display, Props static D = Display static P = "%" if(!Display) D = P static AC = AutoClose if(!End) End = 100 static E = End if(!Width) Width = 200 static C = cl.Create("Progress", 1) C.Insert(0) C.SetLabel(0, "*control progress " ++ Val ++ " " ++ Start ++ " " ++ End) C.SetProperties("Format=barsize tooltips flat position: middlecaption") if(Props) C.AddProperties(Props) C.SetWidth(0, Width) C.Insert(0) C.AddLeft(0, "*bar close Progress") C.SetWidth(0, 60) C.SetToolTip(0, "Left: Close/_____________/Start: " ++ Start ++ "/End: " ++ End) C.show @Current args Val local Temp = Val switch (D) case P Temp ++= D break case "/" Temp ++= D ++ E endswitch C.SetLabel(0, Temp) C.SetCtrlValue(1, Val) if(Val >= E && AC) do wait.forinterval(AC) C.close endif
Script is illustrative allowing to watch the progress of some longtime operation. In the middle of window caption the small panel with two elements is shown. Right element is a progress bar displaying visual information. Left element does the same, but in numerical format (counter), and also allows to close the panel.
Script is called at least twice. First call shows the panel and must be done before the operation begins. All subsequent calls need to change the current counter.
For the first call parameters are:
Val – current counter value;
Start – starting counter value (at the first call usually Val = Start);
End – ending counter value (default is 100);
Width – panel width in pixels (default is 200);
AutoClose – time in milliseconds elapsing after operation ends until the panel is automatically closed. If AutoClose = 0, it is closed only by pressing the left panel button;
Display – counter format. Valid values are:
Second and all subsequent calls require only one parameter – current counter value.
Example: operation is to process 123 files. First call can be:
.Subs\Sub_Progress(0, 0, 123, 300, 5000, "/", "roundbar: 7")
Panel has 300 pixels in width and rounded corners. Left panel button displays "0/123".
At processing the i-th file the call is
For example, if i = 61, the left button shows "61/123" and the progress bar is filled by one half.
When the last file is processed, the panel is closed after 5 seconds.
File Name | Sub_Spin.txt |
Author | Vochomurka |
Plugins called | dialog |
Version | 1.0 |
Updated on | 23.06.2018 |
args Start, From, To, Caption, Text, Styles, Cancel, H, W, YSET, HSET, YOC, WOC, HOC, XE, WE, XS, WS, XT, WT, XC if(!H) H = 160 if(!W) W = 44 if(!YSET) YSET = 6 if(!HSET) HSET = 12 if(!YOC) YOC = 22 if(!WOC) WOC = 74 if(!HOC) HOC = 16 if(!XE) XE = 16 if(!WE) WE = 12 if(!XS) XS = 6 if(!WS) WS = 12 if(!XT) XT = 32 if(!WT) WT = 128 if(!XC) XC = 86 static No = Cancel static Num if(!Styles) Styles = "thickframe sysmenu centre" dialog.error_dialog_on() local hDlg = dialog.define(0, 0, H, W, Caption, Styles) if(!hDlg) quit hDlg.define_control(XE, YSET, WE, HSET, "editbox", "ebCnt", Start, "3d border", "", "", 0x0300) hDlg.define_control(XS, YSET, WS, HSET, "spinner", "spCnt", "", "setbuddyint") hDlg.define_control(XT, YSET, WT, HSET, "static", "text", Text) hDlg.define_control(XS, YOC, WOC, HOC, "button", "", "OK", "", cbx("@onOk")) hDlg.define_control(XC, YOC, WOC, HOC, "button", "btQuit", "&Cancel", "", cbx("@onQuit")) hDlg.create(1) local hWnd = hDlg.get("ebCnt", "hwnd") hDlg.send_message("spCnt", "setbuddy", hWnd, 0, 0) hDlg.set_range("spCnt", From, To) hDlg.run("foreground") quit(Num) Function onOk(sUserArg, dlgHan) Num = dlgHan.get_value("spCnt") dlgHan = dlgHan.destroy() quit Function onQuit(sUserArg, dlgHan) Num = No dlgHan = dlgHan.destroy()
Script is intended to enter one integer value. It can be done in the edit field (buddy) or by spin control.
Script parameters are
Parameters starting from H can be omitted, then defaults are used. All control sisez are close to the "golden section".
File Name | Sub_BarName.txt |
Author | Vochomurka |
Plugins called | win, childwin |
Version | 1.0 |
Updated on | 28.10.19 |
local hh = win.handle("c=TTOTAL_CMD") win.postmessage(hh, 0x400+51, 498, 0) wait.for(100, win.exists("c=TBUTTONCHANGEDLG")) local TBCD = win.handle("c=TBUTTONCHANGEDLG") local BarName = childwin.gettext(TBCD, "TMyPanel") if(!BarName) BarName = childwin.gettext(TBCD, 8) if(TBCD) win.close(TBCD) if(validpath(BarName)) quit(BarName)
Script returns name of the current button bar
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