Title | StackVertical |
File Name | StackVertical.txt |
Description | Manage vertical button bar |
Author | Vochomurka |
Parameters |
File name or "|"
(see comments) |
Plugins Called | win, file |
Icon | |
Version | 1.0 |
Updated on | 23.06.2018 |
args BBar static hwnd = win.handle("c=TTOTAL_CMD") static Path = file.folder(win.exepath(hwnd)) static VB = Path ++ "\vertical.bar" static VK = Path ++ "\vertical.bak" local Success if(BBar == "|" || Shift) do if(win.sendmessage(hwnd, 0x400+50, 29, 0)) win.sendmessage(hwnd, 0x400+51, 2944, 0) Success = file.copy(VK, VB) if(Success) win.sendmessage(hwnd, 0x400+51, 2944, 0) quit endif Success = 1 if(win.sendmessage(hwnd, 0x400+50, 29, 0)) win.sendmessage(hwnd, 0x400+51, 2944, 0) wait.for(not win.sendmessage(hwnd, 0x400+50, 29, 0)) ;ButtonBarTools – name of script ButtonBarTools if(not validpath(BBar)) BBar = ifelse(BBar, Path ++ "\" ++ BBar, .ButtonBarTools("b")) if(not validpath(VK)) Success = file.copy(VB, VK) if(Success) Success = file.copy(BBar, VB) if(Success) win.sendmessage(hwnd, 0x400+51, 2944, 0) wait.for(500, win.sendmessage(hwnd, 0x400+50, 29, 0))
Is there a way to work with two button bars at the same time? In old versions there was no such way. In version 9 and later there is one way: one of these two bars is made horizontal as usual, another one is vertical.
How to make any bar vertical? First solution: rename it to vertical.bar and execute the cm_VisButtonbar2 command, or restart Total Commander. Second solution: point the cursor on the bar file of interest and press the following button:
There are even other solutions (e.g. with WM_COPYDATA). But all of them are time consuming, sophisticated and difficult.
Present script is simple and powerful. First, we can set the file name of bar as a parameter. So, after the script execution this bar gets vertical. The same goal is reached if to press the Ctrl key at the script start. If the path is not specified, %COMMANDER_PATH% is assumed. The "bar" extension is obligatory.
Script run without parameters or keys pressed gives all bar menu (detail see in the ButtonBarTools script comments).
After the work is done, the initial (native) vertical.bar should be restored with the "|" parameter of the script run, or the Shift key pressed
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