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Title | MergeBars |
File Name | MergeBars.txt |
Description | Merge two button bars into one |
Author | Vochomurka |
Parameters |
"%P%N", "%T%M" Parameter 1: first bar name Parameter 2: second bar name (bars can be exchanged at the script execution) |
Plugins Called | win, miscplugin, file, osd, ini, vec |
Icon |
Version | 1.3 |
Updated on | 08.09.2006 |
Scripts Called | LoadBar |
args First, Second local mpDlgText, Result, Key, Number, i, Buttons1, Buttons2 local Path = "path_to_TC\" local Target = Path ++ "_temp.bar" local Bars = Path ++ "*.bar" local mpDlgCaption = "Wrong Parameter" local mpIcon = "WARNING" if(file.isfolder(First)) do mpDlgText = "First bar is " ++ First ++ "\nIt must be a file rather than a folder" if(MiscPlugin.MessageBox(2, "&Quit", "&Pick file") == "&Quit") quit First = pickfile(file.listfiles(Bars, 0), "Pick First Bar File") if(not First) quit endif if(file.type(First) != "bar") do mpDlgText = "First bar is " ++ First ++ "\nIt should have the BAR extension." if(MiscPlugin.MessageBox(2, "&Continue", "&Pick file") == "&Pick file") do First = pickfile(file.listfiles(Bars, 0), "Pick First Bar File") if(not First) quit endif endif if(file.isfolder(Second)) do mpDlgText = "Second bar is " ++ Second ++ "\nIt must be a file rather than a folder" if(MiscPlugin.MessageBox(2, "&Quit", "&Pick file") == "&Quit") quit Second = pickfile(file.listfiles(Bars, 0), "Pick Second Bar File") if(not Second) quit endif if(file.type(Second) != "bar") do mpDlgText = "Second bar is " ++ Second ++ "\It should have the BAR extension." if(MiscPlugin.MessageBox(2, "&Continue", "&Pick file") == "&Pick file") do Second = pickfile(file.listfiles(Bars, 0), "Pick Second Bar File") if(not Second) quit endif endif @start mpDlgText = "Second bar " ++ Second ++ " will be appended to the First bar " ++ First mpDlgText = mpDlgText ++ "\n\n(Choose 'Exchange' to exchange First with Second)" mpDlgCaption = "Merge Bars" mpIcon = "INFORMATION" Result = MiscPlugin.MessageBox(1, "&Go!", "E&xchange", "&Cancel") if(Result == "&Cancel") do quit elseif(Result == "E&xchange") do mpDlgText = First First = Second Second = mpDlgText jump start endif osd.show("Wait...", "INFINITE", "48", "Arial Cyr", "-1", "255 000 000") if(not file.copy(First, Target)) do mpDlgText = "Failure copying " ++ First ++ " to " ++ Result messagebox("ok error", mpDlgText, "FILE plugin error #1") quit endif Buttons1 = ini.get(First, "Buttonbar", "Buttoncount") if(ini_status != "OK") do messagebox("ok error", ini_status, "INI plugin error #1") quit endif Buttons2 = ini.get(Second, "Buttonbar", "Buttoncount") if(ini_status != "OK") do messagebox("ok error", ini_status, "INI plugin error #2") quit endif Result = ini.set(Target, "Buttonbar", "Buttoncount", Buttons1 + Buttons2) if(Result != "OK") do messagebox("ok error", Result, "INI plugin error #3") quit endif v = vec.createfromwords("button cmd param Bars menu iconic") if(v == 0) do messagebox("ok error", "Failure creating vector", "VEC plugin Error") quit endif for(i = 1; i <= Buttons2; i++) Number = i + Buttons1 for(j = 0; j <= 5; j++) Key = v[j] ++ i if(ini.check_exists(Second, "Buttonbar", Key) == 3) do mpDlgText = ini.get(Second, "Buttonbar", Key) Key = v[j] ++ Number Result = ini.set(Target, "Buttonbar", Key, mpDlgText) if(Result != "OK") do messagebox("ok error", Result, "INI plugin error #5") quit endif endif endfor endfor vec.destroy(v) vec.unload ini.unload osd.unload mpDlgText = "First bar " ++ First ++ " and Second bar " ++ Second mpDlgText = mpDlgText ++ "\nare successfully merged in " ++ Target mpDlgCaption = "Congratulations!" mpIcon = "QUESTION" mpDlgText = mpDlgText Result = MiscPlugin.MessageBox(1, "&Open Bar", "to &First", "to &Second", "&to...", "&Quit") if(Result == "&Open Bar") do ;LoadBar - name of script LoadBar runfile.LoadBar(Target) elseif(Result == "to &First") do Result = file.move(Target, First) if(not Result) do mpDlgText = "Failure renaming " ++ Target ++ " to " ++ First messagebox("ok error", mpDlgText, "FILE plugin error #2") quit endif elseif(Result == "to &Second") do Result = file.move(Target, Second) if(not Result) do mpDlgText = "Failure renaming " ++ Target ++ " to " ++ Second messagebox("ok error", mpDlgText, "FILE plugin error #3") quit endif elseif(Result == "&to...") do @NewName Key = inputcancel("New name for bar") Key = Path ++ Key ++ ".bar" if(not file.validpath(Key)) do mpDlgText = "File " ++ Key ++ " already exists! Overwrite?" if(messagebox("yesno warning", mpDlgText, "Warning") == 7) jump NewName endif if(not file.move(Target, Key)) do mpDlgText = "Failure renaming " ++ Target ++ " to " ++ Key messagebox("ok error", mpDlgText, "FILE plugin error #4") quit endif endif
Suppose we have to copy/move a button from one button bar to another.
It should be considered that the "open bar" operation takes at least 5 mouse clicks. So, the whole procedure to copy only one button takes at least 12 right and left clicks. It is not a problem if you need to copy/move one button only. But if you would like to transfer two or more buttons, executing the above procedure can provoke a saint!
There is another way to transfer a button - by editing the *.bar file directly. Perhaps somebody does it. But he/she must be very careful correcting numbers in key names. Any smallest error can have grave consequences.
Script presented merges two button bars yielding one with the _temp.bar name.
Before running the script it is recommended to position cursor in both Total Commander panels on one and another button bar files. But it is not necessary: you can put cursor only on one of button bars or even not care about panels: if the file extension is not bar, then after running the script you could pick both files in dialog boxes.
After the new bar is successfully created, the script proposes the following options:
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