
Title CopyButton
File Name CopyButton.txt
Description Copy currently edited button to the clipboard
Author Vochomurka
Parameters -
Plugins Called win, vec, unicode
Version 1.0
Updated on 24.06.2018
static NewLine = esc(?+\r\n+, ?+\+)
local TBCD = win.handle("c=*BUTTONCHANGEDLG")
local Children = win.childhandlelist(TBCD, "c=TAltEdit")
local TAE = vec.createfromwords(Children)
local TBD = vec.createfromwords("5 4 6 3 2")
local Buf = "TOTALCMD#BAR#DATA" ++ NewLine

vec.doublesort(TBD, TAE)

for(i = 0; i < TAE.length; i++)
	Buf ++= win.gettext(TAE[i]) ++ NewLine



This script is somewhat opposite to Clip2Button. In fact, if the button is under editing it can't be copied to the clipboard! One should close the editing window, position the mouse cursor over the same button, press right mouse button, then choose "Copy"...

This script should be used together with this PowerPro bar that should be imported to PowerPro. After that, if the button editing dialog is open, the small button with this icon is shown in the right part of the caption bar

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